At St Peter’s School our pupil premium strategy sits at the centre of our whole school strategy and is informed by the current research and literature. Our decision for this model is reinforced by the EEF report which states “The Pupil Premium provides an important focus for prioritising the achievement of children from disadvantaged backgrounds in our education system. When it is most effective, the Pupil Premium will sit at the heart of a whole school effort, with all staff understanding the strategy and their role within it.” (Education Endowment Foundation). Consistently research concludes that quality first teaching has the greatest impact on students’ progress and that this is especially true for disadvantaged students. The guidance outlined in the Education Endowment Foundation report and referenced by the Department for Education suggest that adopting a tiered approach for allocation of pupil premium spending can help balance the need to secure quality first teaching, provide targeted academic support and ensure there are wider strategies that ensure readiness to learn.
This is implemented at St Peter’s but also takes into account and reflects our context, ensuring that we meet the needs of our students and we are guided by our data analysis and the relationships developed with our students, families, primary feeder schools, staff, other agencies and the wider community.
Our Service Pupil Premium spending is used to enhance the pastoral support alongside the wider school support strategies (reflecting the guidance from the DfE - (
We have worked to develop strong pastoral and safeguarding support and therefore based on individual needs there is counselling and nurture groups that can be accessed through the school to support progress. We have a family Liaison member of staff, who is available to offer support to service students and their families. In addition to this we have an academic mentor who works with service students and targeted pupil premium students to support their academic progress. We also organise in house and online tuition. This tuition is delivered by both our own teachers and a third party.
As students move into the GCSE courses we will provide revision guides and work books as recommended by the subject leaders and closely monitor the progress of pupil premium students and liaise with heads of department regarding intervention and support. Curriculum trips will be supported through the pupil premium funding and education bursaries such as English theatre trips, Geography field trips etc. Any other resources for subjects e.g. food for cookery and material for textiles we would be able to support through this funding.