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Careers and Information, Advice and Guidance

Careers education is a highly valued and important part of what we offer our students at St Peter’s. We want to guide pupils to reach their potential, broaden horizons, challenge stereotypes and explore their own career aspirations. We aim to deliver careers guidance that is impartial, confidential, and based on the needs of individual students. We want to inspire all our students to make the best transition possible into the right choice for their next steps, whether that is employment, further education, or training.

Our dedicated non-teaching team is available to offer clear information, advice and guidance to all of our students. The Careers Office is located in B4, and here students can find the Careers Team, post 16 and post 18 prospectuses, information books, and other careers related literature. The team operates an open-door policy and encourages students to ‘drop in’ if they have a question or require support during break time, lunch time and even after school.

Careers education is an integral part of our provision for all students at St Peter’s School and this is why we have embedded it into our curriculum, particularly through the PSHE (Personal Social Health and Education) curriculum but also through cross-over into individual subjects.  

Meet the Team

Anni Matthew – Deputy Headteacher and Careers Leader – 

Amber Walker – Careers Officer and Level 6 qualified advisor – 

Michele Burrin – Careers Advisor – 

Katie Taylor – Careers Administrator - 

The Careers Leader at St Peter’s School is Anni Matthew, Deputy Headteacher.  She completed her Careers Leader training through TeachFirst in 2019. 

The Level 6 Careers, Education, Information and Guidance Advisor at St Peter’s School is Amber Walker, who completed her training in November 2023.

Careers Programme and Policies

We believe our careers programme is comprehensive and underpinned by the GATSBY benchmarks, the Ofsted framework, the CEC Compass tracking tool and guidance from the Department of Education.

We want our careers programme to not only educate, but prepare our students for when they enter the working world. We believe a strong careers programme will enable our students to make well-informed decisions about education, training, apprenticeship and employment opportunities. We hope they discover their skills, what industries excite them and understand the value of seizing opportunities.

When creating our careers programme we take into account feedback from students, parents, staff and businesses. We ensure strong relationships are made and maintained with a variety of post 16 providers as well as professionals across all sectors and industries.

We review our programme annually, however we are constantly assessing and seeking ways to better the programme consistently throughout the year. Our programme may also be supplemented with additional activities, events and visits throughout the year.

You can view our careers programme for 2023-34 for all students via the attachment on the left, along with our Careers and PAL Policies.

The Impact of our Careers Programme

Year 11


% Remaining in education


% Employment with training



School Sixth form

Sixth form College

FE college















Year 13


% of year 13 students who went to university

% of disadvantage students who went to university

Continued in education but not university

 % of year 13 students into              employment/apprenticeship

      Gap year






