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The absence line to call if your child is absent is:
01480 846770


If your child is absent for any reason, please contact the school on each day of absence, before 8.30am.

If a student is absent for 3 or more consecutive days we may request that medical evidence (for example a medical certificate, appointment card and permission to talk to the GP) is provided.

The absence line to call is: 01480 846770

If you are unable to leave a message please send your child in with a letter to explain absences when they return to school.

Please see the panel on the left for a Medical Absence Form.

Improving attendance is a key development for St Peter’s and our students. We have the highest expectations of our students and every year a number of students end the year with 100% attendance demonstrating their desire to Learn, Aspire and Exceed.

Attainment and attendance are clearly linked. Y11 students with 100% attendance performed much better than those with lower attendance

This trend is a trend not only at St Peter’s but in all schools across the age range in the UK.


Stage 1

Your child’s attendance is above 97%. They are absent less than six days in the school year

They are highly likely to achieve the best grades for their ability, enabling them to continue their studies and raise their earning potential in the world of work.


Stage 2

Your child’s attendance is 95-96%. They are missing up to 10 days in each school year – two weeks of school. YOU NEED TO TAKE ACTION NOW!

This amount of absence will make progress more difficult and reduce their level of success. You will be contacted by the school and you may be asked to supply medical evidence of any absences.

Stage 3

Your child’s attendance is between 94 and 92%. This means they are absent up to 15 days in each school year – three weeks of school.

Missing this much time will make it extremely difficult for them to keep up in lessons and make progress. We will monitor attendance carefully and discuss with the Education Welfare Officer. You will be asked to provide medical evidence for all absences, please see link in "Absence" section for a helpful form.

Stage 4

EWO and Fixed Penalty Notice
Your child’s attendance is below 92%.

This amount of absence will seriously affect their earning potential and life chances. As a parent you may face court action.

The school will issue a letter detailing a four week monitoring period for students below 92%. If attendance is below 90% during that period a Fixed Penalty Notice will be issued. The Penalty Notice will be issued before the end of the four week period if the student has already missed 10% or more of the total possible sessions.

The Educational Welfare Officer becomes involved with students whose attendance is below 90%. This may result in further fines or in legal action.

Term-Time Holidays/Leave of Absence

The school is rarely able to authorise a holiday or leave of absence as we are critically aware of the impact missing school has on the student’s attainment. Students who have had more than 3 consecutive days of holiday or suspected holiday in any school year may be subject to a fixed penalty notice without a warning.

Please use this online form if your student is planning on being absent from school.

The Education Welfare Officer

The Cam Academy Trust employs an Education Welfare Officer, Rachael Panther. The school and EWO always try to work with pupils and parents at an early stage to resolve problems. This is nearly always successful. However, the EWO also has a legal role and if other ways of resolving attendance have failed, these officers can use legal sanctions such as Penalty Notices or prosecutions in the Magistrates court. Rachael can be contacted via the school reception.

Further Support

Please contact your child's pastoral team for more support as working together we want to remove barriers to learning.

The safeguarding page on our website has great resources for mental health support.