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“Every child deserves an excellent education and the chance to fulfil their potential whatever their background and needs. Children in alternative provision deserve these opportunities too.” (Creating opportunity for all, DfE, 2018)


STRIVE is an alternative educational provision for students who are unable to access mainstream education for many reasons.

At St Peter’s we recognise the need to offer an inclusive provision to allow our students the opportunity to succeed and reach their potential. We alwasy endeavour to keep our students in teh school in some way and STRIVE is a vital learning opportunity for students who can find mainstream lessons challenging. We are proud of our extensive expereince and success in helping students develop tehir personal and academic skills and in preparing them for the future.

STRIVE stands for Support, Trust, Respect, Invest, Value and Educate and these ideals underpin the work that we do with a small group of students who come to lessons on the main school site. STRIVE has 3 classrooms and students work in these areas in small groups or in 1:1 sessions with specialist staff and subject teachers where appropriate. The students curriculum is enhanced with a range of extra curricular activities to develop their wider skills and experience. A key role of STRIVE is preparing students to rejoin mainstream school or to be prepared for their next steps in education; as such students are exposed to high quality careers education, information and guidance from colleagues in the school and experts from other agencies.

For more information on the curriculum offered and on the staffing in STRIVE please see the drop down menu to the left.