Social, Emotional & Mental Health
This section includes all those young people who experience short but significant periods of high anxiety, stress, distress or anger that affect their education.
It also includes young people who have a range of longer-term recognised mental-health conditions.
For both groups, issues can include:
- Forming and maintaining friendships.
- Bereavement.
- Attitudes to attainment.
- Attendance.
- Self-esteem.
- Life outside school.
What Can St. Peter's offer?
Please note: These options need to be agreed upon for each student in conjunction with parents/carers and then regularly reviewed /modified.
All students at St. Peter’s can access:
- Quality First teaching with appropriate differentiation (including best SEND practice).
- Whole school central reward system.
- Whole school policy for behaviour management with graduated response.
- Key stage transition support.
- Anti-bullying policy.
Targeted support for small groups may include:
As for all St. Peter’s students plus…
- Social skills group.
- Supported break and lunch times in the SEND department.
Targeted individual support may include:
As for all St. Peter’s students plus…
- 1:1 mentoring sessions.
- Counselling.
- Outside agency input (e.g. Educational Psychologist, Young Persons Worker, CAMH Services.
- Flexible timetables.
- Personal Support Plan- support for students at risk of permanent exclusion.
- Support from Social Care team/school nurse.
- Looked After Child support.
- Young Carers.
- Keyworkers for students with EHCP’s or high-level need
- Learning Hub – during the COVID 19 pandemic, we cannot operate the Learning Hub as this would require mixing students from different years groups in the same place.
Links To Useful Organisations