Literacy and Learning
This can include:
- Reading and spelling
- Learning new information and concepts
- Working with numbers
- Working memory
- Concentration
Students may have conditions such as Specific Learning Difficulties, dyslexia, general learning difficulties, AD(H)D, Down’s Syndrome.
Students may present with difficulties that do not have a specific title.
What can St. Peter's offer?
Please note: These options need to be agreed upon for each student in conjunction with parents/carers and then regularly reviewed /modified.
Local Authority Dyslexia Guidance Report 2016
All students can access:
- Quality First teaching with appropriate differentiation (including best SEND practice).
- Visual aids to support key vocabulary, concepts and themes.
- Dedicated and caring staff who value all students regardless of ability.
Support for targeted groups of students may include:
- Following our synthetic phonics scheme – Everyone Can read (ECR). This is a recognised method for teaching reading whose programme is relevant to both primary and secondary sectors. It is carefully structured, logical ands intensive. Each new stap builds on and reinforces earlier learning.
- Blocks of 1:1 small group lessons that focus on a range of needs such as literacy, comprehension and spelling.
- Nurture class/adapted curriculum
- Dyslexia Action Group
- Tinted backgrounds on teacher's boards
The nurture group is an adapted curriculum which is fun, engaging and designed to maximise opportunities for progress in literacy. This includes:
- A reading/spelling scheme to ensure rapid progress.
- A nurturing environment in a smaller classroom with full-time TA support.
- Personalised targets and feedback to give the students a sense of their achievement.
- Weekly opportunities for extra- curricular activities to broaden the students’ experiences and build their confidence and self-esteem.
- Pastoral support at break and lunchtimes in the SEND department.
- Homework support.
- Regular feedback
- Where needed, help from an external agency (e.g. Psychologist)
- Teaching Assistant support in some lessons.
- Break and lunch supported centre for vulnerable students.
- Screening for dyslexic tendencies
Targeted individual support may include:
- On-going tailor made 1:1 tuition in the SEND department, led by a teacher or teaching assistant under the instruction of the SENDCO/Assistant SENDCo/Lead for Cabin.
- Where needed, help from an external agency (e.g. Educational Psychologist)
- Termly testing for students with literacy difficulties to review and plan.
- In class Teaching Assistant support in targeted lessons.
- External agency advice where needed.
- Exam access Arrangements.
- Post 16 Transition support.
- Keyworkers for students with EHCP's or with a high-level need.
- Coloured Excercise books
- Coloured over-lays
- Print outs
- Access to Laptops and other assistive technology
Links To Useful Organisations