‘The highest result of education is Tolerance.’ – Helen Keller
Issues of religion and belief frequently top the news agenda and Religious Studies can help us to make sense of them. St Peter’s is a diverse community with a significant number of different ethnicities and langauges spoken, therefore in order to promote harmony and cooperation we need our students to understand these differences and celebrate diversity. By giving our students the opportunities to hear from representatives of different faiths, we allow our students to experience things they would not normally. Many of our students have never been to a Church or Mosque, and would not normally come into contact with people of faith in everyday life. By bringing in groups and individuals to speak to our students, as well as teaching them about a range of beliefs we give them choice and opportunity in their thinking. To understand the views and opinions of people whose beliefs and values differ from their own is vital in equipping our students to handle issues in their lives, preparing them for the workplace and adult life. Our curriculum for all key stages is built around the Cambridgeshire Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education 2023-2028 and will enable students to build positive relationships and take into account the effect of different values and ideas within society.
NATRE (National Association of Teachers of Religious Education) advice details that every student has a legal entitlement to RE as necessary part of a ‘broad and balanced curriculum’ and must be provided to all our students. Contemporary guidance from the Government makes clear that the breadth of RE will include the six principal religions of the UK and non-religious world, and we believe this awareness will enhance our students’ ability to apply the British Values in their lives and become better citizens. We believe inclusive RE is essential for students to promote religious literacy and cultural diversity. Parents do have the right to withdraw their children from RE or part of RE on the grounds that they wish to provide their own RE. If you are considering withdrawal then please contact the Head of Humanities Faculty, Charlotte Savill (ChSavill@stpetershuntingdon.org) to arrange a discussion about the locally agreed syllabus, aims and objectives of RE and examples of the lessons taught.