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Personal Development: Key Stage 5

Students in Years 12 and 13 continue with a diverse range of opportunities, including visiting speakers, workshops, assemblies and discussions.  These events are organised based on what is most relevant to address the ever-changing needs of our students.  We want to ensure all of our students have the information that they need to make informed choices regarding economic wellbeing, careers, and healthy relationships. We promote good physical and mental health, and ensure students know where they can go if they need advice and support. Our year 12 students have the opportunity to participate in the Mental Health Award (Active IQ) and also be trained by Rape Crisis to develop a range of awareness and supportive skills appropriate to their age group.

We strongly believe that it is important for students to volunteer and give back to the school and wider community. We currently have sixth form students helping younger students in our Nurture department, and students visiting one of our primary feeders, helping young students with their reading.

 The opportunities available to students are delivered by visiting speakers who are experts in their field. So far we have welcomed the following organisations into school:

  • National Citizen Service
  • Terence Higgins Trust – C-Card and Sexual Health
  • Kamal Hyman – Aim a Little Higher
  • AIM Apprenticeships – understanding the different apprenticeships
  • Cambridgeshire Constabulary/ Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue – Driving Safety
  • MHST – Exam stress and anxiety
  • On the Ball – Testicular Cancer
  • Take Your Place – university and future careers/ Study Skills/ Finance
  • Acorn Surgery – cervical cancer
  • The Boobettes – breast cancer
  • UCAS- applying to university
  • Cambridgeshire Constabulary/ Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue – First on Scene guidance

Key Documents for RSE- General

Young People, Relationships and Sex – The New Norms

Shhh….No Talking – LGBTQ Inclusive RSE in the UK

Key Links for Healthy Relationships

DoSRE you can download some PowerPoints to help discuss issues around relationships with your child -

Teachers Guide to Teenage Relationship Abuse also useful for parents to help to spot the signs of relationship abuse in your child.

Key Links for Consent

Disrespect Nobody Campaign – Section on Consent- there are lots more eradicating rape culture


Key Links for Media and Peer Influence

Ditch the Label

Positive Body Image – Pamphlet


Key Links for Sexuality


Explore Dream Discover

Coming out support


Key Links for Gender

Gendered Intelligence


Key Links for Sexual Harassment, Assault, Exploitation and Abuse

Thinkuknow Toolkit 

Relationship Abuse,tends%20to%20escalate%20over%20time.

CEOP –Exploited


Article on Emotional abuse for YP


Key Links for Protecting Myself (for student)

Disrespect Nobody Campaign

Brook - Condom Handout

Cambs C-Card Scheme – offers a toolkit to support parents and carers of children of any age to start discussions about their online life, to set boundaries around online behaviour and technology use, and to find out where to get more help and support. – provide independent reviews, age ratings, and other information about all types of media for children and their parents. – about protecting children from specific online harms such as child sexual abuse, sexting and cyberbullying. – provide age-specific online safety checklists, guides on how to set parental controls on a range of devices, and a host of practical tips to help children get the most out of their digital world. – provides advice for parents and carers to keep children safe from online radicalisation. – provides support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online, including tips to keep primary aged children safe online. – resource can be used by parents and carers who are concerned about someone’s behaviour, including children who may be displaying concerning sexual behaviour (not just about online). – provides support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online.  – provides help for parents and carers on how to keep their children safe online. – from Parentzone and the National Crime Agency provides support and guidance from leading experts and organisations. – provide tips, advice, guides and other resources to help keep children safe online. - domestic abuse - domestic abuse - male survivor’s helpline - read the digital ‘ghost stories’ online about hoaxes - online safety alerts, think before you scare - safer internet use for young people