At St Peter's we know that the personal development, risk awareness and gaining of life skills is incredibly important in order for our students to go on to be successful contributors to the local community. We aim to provide students with an all-round education developing the whole person, which will serve as a basis for a successful and fulfilled future as students, employees, employers and parents. We aim to motivate students to learn, aspire and exceed in their examination results and develop core employment capabilities for adult life. We are following the Cambridgeshire Personal Development Framework, which includes delivery of Citizenship and Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education.
We are developing a diverse and carefully mapped curriculum across years 7-13 which actively develops the students’ awareness of key issues and helps them to make positive choices in the future (for more information on the kind of topics covered please see the curriculum map in the drop down menu to the left). With reference to the Cambridgeshire Children and Young People’s Health and Wellbeing Survey 2022, we focus on making educated decisions about alcohol consumption, contraception and healthy lifestyles, developing awareness of the dangers of smoking and drugs, and we encourage the consideration of British Values and the value of SMSC regarding LGBTQI+, relationships and bullying.
We want our young people to be healthy, both mentally and physically, form strong and safe relationships and develop an awareness about the world and their place within it. We address the topics of consent, protected characteristics and sexual harassment in our curriculum in all key stages. When they leave us, we will have prepared them for the world of work and taught them the skills to be able to lead happy and healthy adult lives. Personal Development is not formally assessed, but key questions from the Cambridgeshire Personal Development Framework are asked every lesson and retrieval tasks eg recap sessions, student voice activities, take place after completion of each unit – Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the Wider World.
Our achievement of the Healthy Schools’ award has supported developments within the RSE curriculum, such as increased opportunities for physical exercise at break and lunchtimes, a focus on resilience at the start of the year 7 and a travel plan supporting sustainable and safer travel to school.
We aim to provide a bespoke Personal Development experience for students identified through safeguarding concerns eg supporting with counselling for those with mental health issues, and with youth worker input for those making poor behaviour choices in the community.
As well as Personal Development lessons (please see the curriculum map in the tab below), as part of our Personal Development provision students have the opportunity to access PD themes in assemblies throughout the year and also benefit from input from outside speakers who visit at different points in the school year (please see tables below). SMSC activities, during Tutor Time on a weekly basis, provide an additional way to encourage students to engage in thinking about current affairs of local, national or global concern, including issues relating to citizenship and relationships.
Physical Health and Mental Wellbeing |
Global Citizenship |
Relationships and Sex Education |
Careers |
MacMillan cancer |
European day of languages |
Pride day |
Women in STEM and Art |
Christmas |
World mental health day |
Remembrance day |
E-safety |
Business for World Entrepreneurs Day |
Easter |
Road safety week |
Christmas Jumper day and foodbank |
National obesity awareness week |
International Women’s day |
Healthy eating |
World book day |
Children’s mental health |
Red Nose Day |
World poetry day |
World music day |
Physical Health and Mental Wellbeing |
Global Citizenship |
Relationships and Sex Education |
Careers |
It's on the ball - testicular cancer charity Year 10, 11 and 6th form |
Epic Risk Management – Gambling and Gaming addiction awareness Year 10, 11 and 6th form |
Chelsea's Story - Child Sexual Exploitation, personal safety and consent Year 9 and 6th form |
Life skills Talent Foundry Charity – virtual - Barclays - Finance Year 9 |
Kamal Hyman – motivational workshop 6th form |
Smashed Virtual Tour - Underage drinking and alcohol risks Year 7 and 8 |
Parliament UK All year groups |
Magpas – CPR, First Aid Year 7 |
CASUS – drug and alcohol misuse 6th form |
A number of subjects deliver Personal Development topics as the table below shows: