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Year 7




La rentrée:

Phonics, name, numbers, days of the week, dates, family, (in)definite articles, adjectives, infinitives.

En classe:

Colours, time, likes / dislikes, numbers, definite articles, school subjects, timetable and Christmas.  Shapes and colours (describing pictures), uniform, routine at school.

Mon temps libre: Weather and seasons, key French phonics. 

Sports, activities done, sport in French speaking countries, and (dis)likes

La rentrée:

Classroom description, (dis)likes, descriptions. AVOIR, ETRE, regular -ER verbs (incl. AIMER + definite article), adjectival agreement.


En classe:

Describing the school day, -ER verbs, schools in France, adjectives after nouns, reading and listening for gist – ideal school, il y a/il n’y a pas de, agreeing and disagreeing. 



Mon temps libre:

Asking and answering questions, interview with a celebrity, ALLER, FAIRE, JOUER à, AIMER + infinitive, using cognates and context.




Year 8




Ma vie de famille:

Animals, higher numbers, describing family, where you live, breakfast, Bastille Day, creating a cartoon family, possessive adjectives my/your, nous form of ‘er’ verbs, partitive article, using glossary, and substituting words to make texts your own.

Vive les vacances:

Avoir, être, present tense holidays, perfect tense holidays, with ‘er’ verbs and irregulars, c’était + adjective,

J’adore les fêtes:

J’aime + infinitive, festivals and celebrations, present tense regular ‘ir’ and ‘re’ verbs, polite transactional language, buying food at a market, partitive article, predicting when listening.

En ville:

Places in town/village, where you go at the week-end, inviting someone out, ordering in a café, say what you are going to do, talking about plans, ALLER, VOULOIR, TU and VOUS forms, using near future tense, using two tenses together.

Vive les vacances:

Tenses revision, perfect tense with ‘être’, negatives in the perfect tense,

Asking and answering questions in the present and perfect tenses together.

J’adore les fêtes/A loisir:

Near future tense for a visit, using near future and present tenses together.


TV programmes and celebrities, singular and plural adjective agreements.



Year 9




À loisir

TV programmes, opinions and reasons, asking and answering questions about digital technology, frequency, going to the cinema, 24 hour clock, near future tense, buying cinema tickets, leisure activities and negatives, perfect tense with irregulars, c’était + adjective, imperfect tense, using three tenses together (present, perfect and near future).


Le monde est petit:

learn about daily routine and reflexive verbs,  simple future tense,  using up to three tenses in writing, listening for different pronouns and strategies for decoding vocabulary, moving house, irregular adjectives, translation into French.

Le sport en direct: learn about injuries and illness, taking part in a conversation with a doctor, interviewing a sportsperson, asking and answering questions in three time frames, using a variety of tenses.


Le monde est petit:

talk about where you live, describing the weather, pouvoir + infinitive, how you must help at home, devoir + infinitive, reading texts for gist and spotting alternatives.

Le sport en direct:

talk about sports, jouer à and faire de, opinions about sport and use of comparative, asking the way, giving directions, using the imperative, using il faut to say you must, listening for cognates, translating into English.

Who am I?: 

Grammar revision (past, present, future revision, adjectival agreement) cultural texts focus, France and French-speaking countries.



Year 10




Who am I?:   Family and friends, family relationships, arrangements to go out. Regular present tense verbs.

Family and friends, family relationships, arrangements to go out, describing a night out with friends, talking about life when you were younger, discussing role models.  Irregular verbs in present tense, present tense reflexives, near future tense, perfect tense, imperfect tense.

Routine and special occasions: Describing daily life, talking about food for special occasions, using tu/vous, describing family celebrations, describing festivals and traditions.  Using pouvoir and devoir, pronoun en, tu/vous form for questioning, venir de + infinitive, combining tenses.

Local area:  (Dis)advantages of where you live, comparing with where you used to live, describing your ideal place to live, discussing plans and weather, describing community projects.  Using the pronoun y, using negatives, asking questions with quel(le)(s), using future tense, using present, perfect and future tenses.


Talking about normal holiday venues, past and future, ideal holidays, booking and reviewing hotels.


Leisure time:

TV and film genres, talking about sport, life online, books and reading, television programmes, actors and films.  Depuis + present tense, comparatives, imperfect tense practice, direct object pronouns (le, la, les) using superlative adjectives.


Local area:

Describing your house, town and region, asking the way, discussing what there is to see and do.   Using the pronoun y, using negatives, asking questions with quel(le)(s), using future tense, using present, perfect and future tenses.




Year 11





Ordering in a restaurant, talking about travelling, buying souvenirs, talking about holiday disasters.  (Conditional tense, reflexive verbs in perfect tense, en + present participle, avant de + infinitive, demonstrative adjectives and pronouns, pluperfect tense).


Subjects, school facilities, uniform, school day, French and English school differences, school rules

Jobs and careers:

Subjunctive, better/worse/best/worst things, direct object pronouns in perfect tense, verbs followed by à/de.

Listening, speaking, reading and writing exams.



World issues, problems in your area, protecting the environment, ethical shopping, volunteering, big events.  Modal verbs in conditional, passive voice, indirect object pronouns, arguments for and against.


School:  Healthy living, vices, school exchange.  Il(s)/elle(s) pronouns, il faut, il est interdit de, imperative, past, present and future tenses.

Jobs and careers: Career choices, plans, hopes and wishes, applying for jobs and case studies. 





Year 12




Aspects of French-speaking society: current trends (AS and A-level)

The changing nature of family

The 'cyber-society'


La vie de couple – nouvelles tendances

Describe and discuss trends in marriage and other forms of partnership

Form and use the imperfect tense

Skim texts for gist

Monoparentalité, homoparentalité, familles recomposées

Consider and discuss the merits and problems of different family structures

Form and use the perfect tense

Translate into French

Grands-parents, parents et enfants – soucis et problèmes

Consider relationships between the generations and discuss problems that can arise

Recognise and understand the past historic tense

Use a bilingual dictionary

Comment la technologie facilite la vie quotidienne?

Describe and discuss  how technology has transformed everyday life

Understand and use infinitive constructions

Express opinions

Quels dangers la cyber-société  pose-t-elle?

Consider and discuss the dangers of digital technology

Understand and use object pronouns

Use strategies to broaden range of vocabulary

Qui sont les cybernautes?

Consider the different users of digital technology and discuss possible future developments

Form the present tense of regular and irregular verbs

Aspects of French-speaking society: current trends (AS and A-level)

The place of voluntary work


Qui sont et que font les bénévoles?

Examine the voluntary sector in France and the range of work volunteers provide

Use connectives – temporal and causal

Interpret and explain figures and statistics

Le bénévolat: quelle valeur pour ceux qui sont aidés?

Discuss the benefits of voluntary work for those what are helped and how beneficiaries request help

Use conditional and si sentences (imperfect and conditional)

Summarise from reading and listening

Le bénévolat: quelle valeur pour ceux qui aident?

Look at the benefits of voluntary work for those that do it and for society as a whole

Form and use the future tense

Translate into English

Artistic culture in the French-speaking world (AS and A-level)

A culture proud of its heritage


Le patrimoine sur le plan national, régional et locale

Understand the notion of heritage and heritage preservation on a regional and national scale

Use adjective agreements, comparatives and superlatives

Develop extended answers

Le patrimoine et le tourisme

Consider the ways in which some of the country’s most famous heritage sites market themselves

Use si sentences (present and future)

Avoid repetition

Comment le patrimoine reflète la culture

Comprehend how heritage impacts upon and is guided by culture in society

Use the subjunctive with expressions of: doubt, uncertainty or necessity

Interpret pictures

Artistic culture in the French-speaking world (AS and A-level)

Contemporary francophone music


La diversité de la musique francophone contemporaine

Consider the popularity of comtemporary francophone music and its diversity of genre and style

Use question forms and command forms

Listen for detail

Qui écoute et apprécie la musique francophone contemporaine?

Consider who listens to contemporary francophone music, how often and by what mean

Use the subjunctive to suggest possibility with verbs of wishing and emotional reactions

Justify opinions

Comment  sauvegarder la musique francophone contemporaine?

Consider and discuss the threats to contemporary francophone music and how it might be safeguarded

Use the conditional of modal verbs

Express doubt and uncertainty


Cinema: the 7th art form


Pourquoi le septième art?

Consider a variety of aspects of French cinema

Use infinitive constructions

Summrise from listening

Évolution du cinéma: les grandes lignes

Consider the major developments in the evolution of French cinema from its beginnings until the present day

Use si sentences (pluperfect/conditional perfect)

Persuasive speaking

Le cinéma: une passion nationale

Consider the continuing popularity of French cinema and film festivals

Use connectives followed by the subjunctive

Write with a purpose









Year 13




Aspects of French-speaking society: current issues:

The positive aspects of a diverse society


L’enrichissement dû à la mixité ethnique

Consider the benefits of living in an ethnically diverse society

Form and use the present tense

Use dictionary skills

Diversité, tolérance et respect

Consider the need for tolerance and respect of diversity

Form and use the future tense

Use strategies for gist comprehension

Diverstié – un apprentissage pour la vie

Consider how we can promote diversity to create a richer world

For and use the conditional

Pronounce loanwords


Examine different groups who are socially marginalised


Qui sont les marginalisés?

Examine different groups who are socially marginalised

Form and use the imperfect tense

Respond to a stimulus

Quelle aide pour les marginalisés?

Discuss measures to help those who are marginalised

Form and use the perfect tense

Express approval and disapproval

Quelles attitudes envers les marginalisés?

Consider contrasting attitudes to people who are marginalised

Form and use the pluperfect tense

Vary vocabulary by using synonyms

Aspects of French-speaking society: current issues:

Examine how criminals are treated


Quelles attitudes envers la criminalité?

Examine different atitudes to crime

Recognise and understand the past historic tense

Express obligation

La prison – échec ou succès?

Discuss prison and its merits and problems

Use different tenses with si

Ask questions and create a dialogue

D’autres sanctions

Consider alternative forms of punishment

Use infinitive constructions

Summarise a reading text

Aspects of political life in the French-speaking world:

Discuss the right to vote and examine the French political system and its evolution, including the engagement of young people


Pour ou contre le droit de vote?

Discuss arguments relating to the vote and examine the French political system and its evolution

Form and use the passive voice

Avoid the passive

Les ados et l’engagement politique – motivés ou démotivés?

Discuss engagement levels of young people and their influence on politics

Form and use the subjunctive mood

Talk about data and trends

Quel avenir pour la politique?

Discuss the future of politics and political engagements

Use the subjunctive mood

Aspects of political life in the French-speaking world:

Protests and strikes and attitudes towards who has power


Le pouvoir des syndicats

Understand the important role of unions

Understand and use subject and object pronouns

Translate the English gerund into French

Manifestations et grèves – sont-elles efficaces?

Talk about strikes and protests and consider different methods of protesting

Understand and use relative pronouns

Use language to promote a cause

Attitudes différentes envers ces tensions politiques

Discuss different attitudes towards strikes, protests and other political tensions

Understand and use demonstrative adjectives and pronouns

Talk about priorities

Politics and immigration


Solutions politiques à la question de l’immigration

Discuss some of the political issues concerning immigration in francophone countries

Form and use combination tenses: imperfect and perfect

Use language for describing change

L’immigration et les partis politiques

Consider the viewpoints of political parties regarding immigration

Form and use the future perfect and the conditional perfect

Summarise from listening

L’engagement politique chez les immigrés

Consider immigration from the standpoint of immigrants, as well as aspects of racism

Choose the right tenses

Disagree tactfully






