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Year 7 Learn, Aspire, Exceed Curriculum

The Learn, Aspire, Exceed (LAE) curriculum is a unique and exciting opportunity for our Year 7 and 8 students to experience a wider range of subjects and skill-sets, outside of the core subject curriculum. This affords our students the opportunity to not only apply and extend their understanding of the skills that they already have, but also to build a new plethora of skills and experiences in a way that both challenges and inspires them. We believe that this extended curriculum allows our students an opportunity to see a wide range of job roles and responsibilities, preparing them for their future lives.

Research shows that participation in extra-curricular activities can have a positive impact on attainment, increase pupils’ positive identification with school, as well as building self-confidence and resilience. Research also shows us that children who do not have access to these opportunities often fall behind, lack confidence, and fail to develop career aspirations. The resulting attainment gap is so significant that 25% of young people from the most disadvantaged backgrounds achieve below expected attainment levels. We believe that this extended curriculum will offer opportunities for our students to enhance their learning about subjects, and also the different possible pathways and options for their futures.

The LAE curriculum allows our students to work both collaboratively and independently to ask and answer questions, solve a range of problems, and enthusiastically learn through engaging hands-on exploration.

One of the most important parts of this experience for our young people is that they are not following a prescribed curriculum. The LAE curriculum does not require any marking or assessments. Instead, our aim is for staff to deliver sessions which highlight and share their passion for a range of subjects. This enthusiasm will be seen in all of the LAE curriculum sessions, which will encourage the enthusiasm of our students as they engage in the range of exciting activities created for them by their passionate teachers.


This year’s LAE sessions are:

Year 7

Year 8

Wysing Arts Collaboration

Wysing Arts Collaboration

Behind the Scenes

How fast can it go?

Science Fiction Writing

Escape the room

Creative Sport

Board Game Bonanza

Film Studies


Universal language of drawing


Messy Science

Make some noise!

Big Questions

Duke of Edinburgh Skills

Water Survival

Water Survival

Save the Planet

Big Questions


For more information please contact Mrs E Bowater: