Experiences of the study of History vary from Primary school to Primary school; therefore, the aim of year 7 is to cultivate basic historical understanding and skills, as well as an enjoyment of the subject. Students are timetabled for 1 lesson a week in year 7. Students begin their journey through History beginning at the Roman Invasion of Britain all the way to the end of the Tudor era. Lessons have a firm focus on key historical skills such as chronological understanding, source evaluation and historical enquiry.
In year 8 we aim to build on the progress made in year 7 and develop the skills to a higher level. Students are timetabled for 2 lessons a week in Year 8. Students are regularly assessed throughout the term with an emphasis on informal assessment to allow all students to flourish. Students will study a range of topics beginning from the Stuart era to the end of WWI. Lessons will have a key focus on themes throughout History, such as monarchy, parliament, revolution, medicine, equality and empire, and will be able to use these themes to draw comparisons of different time periods.
In year 9 we focus on advancing the second order concepts which have been introduced in years 7 and 8, as well as revisiting source skills. Students are timetabled for 1 lesson a week in year 9. Alongside this we more explicitly develop the use of historical interpretation and consider the impact this has on our understanding of topics. Students focus on the 20th Century and study a diverse range of topics, including WWII, Holocaust and Civil Rights Movement. Students are given a range of opportunities to develop their skills of reasoning and are encouraged to assess the value of the information through a range of different techniques.