Qualification: A Level
Exam Board: AQA
This is a qualification that reflects a modern and evolving society. The aim of the course is to take a broad view of design and technology, to develop your capacity to design and make products and to appreciate the complex relations between design, materials, manufacture and marketing. You will be able to recognise design needs and develop an understanding of how current global issues, including integrating technology, impacts on today’s world. You will develop the confidence to innovate and produce creative design solutions as you develop your own design brief for a client/end user.
Paper 1
Technical principles - how it's assessed
Questions Mixture of short answer and extended response.
Paper 2
Designing and making principles - how it's assessed
Questions are a mixture of short answer and extended response questions.
Section A:
Section B:
NEA (Non-Examined Assessment)
Practical application of technical principles, designing and making principles
Written or digital design portfolio and photographic evidence of final prototype.
Not only does this course give you outstanding experience in designing and making in new exciting way, it opens up a range of possibilities on leaving school in careers such as:
Architecture, Advertising, Fashion Design, Graphic Designer, Web Design, Typographer, Interior Design, Jeweller, Ceramicist, Product Engineer, Furniture Designer, Packaging, Communications, Film, Software, Transport, Product Engineering, Landscape, etc. The subject gives you a firm grounding in the skills of creativity problem-solving, communication and ICT which would apply to all careers.
Not only does this course give students outstanding experience in designing and making in new exciting way, it opens up a range of possibilities on leaving school in careers such as:
Architecture, Advertising, Fashion Design, Graphic Designer, Web Design, Typographer, Interior Design, Jeweller, Ceramicist, Product Engineer, Furniture Designer, Packaging, Communications, Film, Software, Transport, Product Engineering, Landscape, etc. The subject gives students a firm grounding in the skills of creativity problem-solving, communication and ICT which would apply to all careers. In a time when employers look for people who can add value, this is the subject that could give students their USP.