At St Peter’s School we aim to work with all pupils in ways that enhance self-esteem and confidence and encourage them to take responsibility for themselves and their learning.
It is our objective to identify pupils who may have special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) as swiftly as possible, to assess these needs and to work from the pupil’s strengths to meet identified needs and address weaknesses.
We accept that children have SEN if they have significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of their peers, or they have a disability that prevents them from making use of the educational facilities generally provided for pupils their age in the school.
We recognise that pupils with SEND do not form a fixed group and that the SEND of individual pupils may vary over time.
Every child brings a unique pattern of strength and areas of need to our community and the school aims to fulfil the potential of all students. The links here relate to those students who have difficulties that affect their learning and are recognised as needing specific types of support. Follow the links to find out more about how St. Peter’s works to support young people with a range of additional needs.
If you think your child has SEND, please see our SEND Policy (as a download on side of page) and/or make an appointment with our SENDCo Julie Knibbs who can be contacted by clicking here
New Nurture parents evening – by invite only- Wednesday 12th June 2024 5.30-6.30
New parent SEND information evening – all welcome – Wednesday 19th June 2024 5.30-6.30
For information about Read and Write please click here.
Literacy and Learning, Sensory and Physical, Social, Emotional and Mental Health, Communication and Interaction.
Click on each icon for more information
If you have any concerns regarding Special Educational Needs Provision at St. Peters, please act either Nic Sawyer (SENDCo and Lead for Nurture) or Julie Knibbs (Assistant Head Teacher of Inclusion).
If you feel that you want to make a complaint, please follow the process set out in the complained policy here: Click Here
There is a different process if you disagree with a decision your local authority has made about an EHC plan.