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Year 10

Year 10 is both an exciting and a challenging year for all students as they embrace the start of their KS4 education. I encourage all students to embrace the new learning they will receive; to be inquisitive about their chosen subjects and to work through adversities, knowing they can achieve their goals.


Please do not hesitate to contact any member of the Year 10 Team for advice or support:


Mrs Thomas, Student Support Manager –

Miss Whitbread, Assistant Head of Year –

Mr Cartwright, Head of Year –



Having High Standards

We wish all students to have the best possible start to each day at school. Some school standards which will help all students to have a great start to each day are:


  • Continuing to be polite and positive members of the school community
  • Wearing full school uniform, in line with the school’s uniform policy.
  • Wearing PE kits on PE days, in line with the school’s uniform policy
  • Attendance should be 96% and above to maximise classroom learning
  • Students should be in school and ready to learn by 8.30am
  • Basic equipment for all subjects is required (a pen / a spare pen, a pencil, a ruler etc) as well as equipment needed for specific GCSE subjects, if necessary



Students should know their target grades and their ‘next steps’ for their subjects. We will be working on this during Tutor Time and students will bring their grade slips home each half term.

