Healthy School Award
Healthy Schools Statement
- Our aim is to ensure all students have a voice, and be motivated by staff who value the importance of health, wellbeing and resilience for their students, as well as for themselves.
- Parents will be made aware of the policies, learning, support and initiatives the school provides, including how they will be developed by partnership working with quality assured support agencies. The provision will be reviewed annually to remain relevant, and consistently used with student progress and achievement suitably recognised.
- PE staff provide at least 60 minutes of optional extra-curricular physical activity each day, in the form of organised sports clubs at break, lunchtime and after school. Travelling actively to and from school is recommended. Through all staff consistently encouraging a healthy lifestyle (a combination of physical activity and a balanced diet), we recognise this has a positive impact on students’ well-being, and thus their behaviour and academic attainment. We teach students positive strategies to manage and improve their mental health and well-being across the curriculum.